A selection of features we have built, we are always interested in new ideas and designs. (please click images)
- arched lunky
- a fine stone radial arch
- arch stones and top stones combined
- arch with stone trough planter
- masonry arch
- fossil built into back wall
- Aztec Alcove
- squeeze stile
- stock proof step stile with hogsback top stone
- step stile on a curved wall
- combination step/squeeze stile
- squeeze stile recycled stone
- step stile to higher ground
- a monks pew
- curved seat
- seating alcove with fossil
- seat with fossils and wineglass alcoves
- a row of protruding through stones makes a simple but effective bench
- private enclosed area with bench seat
- all dry stone walls come with a life time guarantee!
Other Features
- chimney and fireplace
- sheep fold
- wheel design
- alcove with inbuilt fossil
- Inbuilt Millstone
- matching cheekends
- square lunky
- cheekend and built in barbecue
- a ‘sea shell’ curve
- a collection of arches and alcoves
- Farm Entrance
- Throughstone shelves
- Throughstone shelves
- Inbuilt postbox