This project included a few different stages, the dry stone walling consisted of around 200m of wall around the perimeter of the property and a large retaining wall which became a parapet wall towards the top. Notable features of the walls include through stones that were cut to the width of the wall (none protruding) and round tops all made on site. While building these walls we also removed 6 large tree stumps from the garden, repaired two flights of steps and patched up a field wall that had been damaged by the owners pigs.
Old boundary fence and gate replaced with newly built drystone wall, gate and posts. All built with freshly quarried stone brought in 20 ton loads. (please click images)
- before
- after
- before
- after
- before
- after
- before
- after
The other side of the lawn following a public footpath up the hill. the client was so pleased with our workmanship we also built around the heating oil tank, repointed a large flagged area and sandblasted an area of rock by the decking.
- steep slope and curve (before)
- horizontally layed stone on a curve and up a slope (not easy!)
- lawn before
- lawn after
- before
- after
- private enclosed area with bench seat
- tall drystone wall creating privacy and security
Animal enclosure, pillars, security gates and mortared wall with integrated planting areas.
- stable block containing horse, pigs and poultry (before)
- secure enclosure (after)
- pillars include lighting, postbox, security keypad and hand carved house name
- mortared masonry with ‘half round’ top stones
- electric sliding gate
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